Wednesday 7 December 2011

My First Exhibition!

Tadaaaa....I'm so proud to announce and showcase pictures of my very first exhibition! Feeling like a curious, though nervous toddler venturing out into the world all alone, I signed up to host a stall at the Xmas bazaar organized by the International Women of Istanbul. I can't even begin to express how much all the "Best of luck!", "Break a leg!" and "Go show 'em!" messages did to calm the manic butterflies in my tummy! So a big squashy hug to each and every one of you, who posted words of encouragement on my Facebook page. The week prior to the exhibition that was held at the Hilton Istanbul, was a buzzing blur of frenzied preparations. And finally seeing the stall, all set up, my goodies glistening in the spotlight, waiting for the doors to open and the crowds to descend was quite an experience. Here are the pictures of the Beetle & Bottle stall, and a sneak peek at the goodies that were designed and created specially for the exhibition. 

 More pictures showcasing my new range of Beetle & Bottle Fun Boxes, Sneeze Boxes and Tissue Holders, Mirrors, Christmas Coasters and DIY Angels on the way....!

1 comment:

Dr.Rohini Joshi said...

Dear Heetal,

how I would like to be in your children's world of dreams,imaginations and pretence !

I miss having heetal the beetal in my childhood.

love, Aai.